Montag, 20. August 2012

Downhill in the woods

last weekend I teamed up with "Gü" Hochfilzer to do some shots. it was the first time for me shooting a downhill-mtbiker while hiting trails in the woods, from my position I´m definitly stoked on it and for sure I´ll tryin do some more...


Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012 Photobox

better check out the link below a collection of my favorite shots from last season...


->Photobox Markus Deutinger

Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012

Publications´11 Part II

some more print stuff from last season... even more stoked!


Matthias Weißenbacher Youngblood, Pleasure #98

next, Snowboarder MBM #164

Frische Linse Itw, Skiing #60

Bausatz Josh Absenger, Skiing #59

hang loose, Volkswagen Magazin 1/12

Absolutpark-Ad, Skiing #58

Luggi Brucic, Absolutpark-Poster